Yesterday afternoon (Thursday), Tanza was strangely quiet – no racing around, pulling leaves off plants, chasing anything that moves (butterflies). He ate a good meal when I put him to bed.
Today he made up for yesterday big time! Stairs are a new 'toy'. He storms up and down, often taking the steps two or three at a time on the descent. Ali, his breeder, did say that 'gentle' exercise was recommended for the first six months – HOW? Hip displacia is the main concern. It seems to me that baby Collies just do what comes natural to them, and "flat-out" is the order of the day.
House-training is still ongoing. A suggestion from the vet is to take him out to the selected place in the garden and wait there with him on a lead. When he gets bored he will 'perform'. Well, it works some of the time, but acquiescence isn't in his nature at the moment...