Every other Saturday my vet's practice, Oak Barn Vets, push all the furniture to the side of the reception area and up to 15 puppies spend half an hour from 12:00 to 12:30 meeting each other. This is essential socialisation but can be a little rowdy. It's well controlled, with the supervising vet Claire organising which puppies are out on the floor together – some are far more ebullient than others!
Apart from his litter of eight, this was the first time Tanza had seen any other dogs/puppies – ever! His bravery on this occasion needs to be seen in this light.
Tanza was very much overawed to start with but found courage after a while and joined in the fray although he always had his 'home' (between my legs) to retire to when things became too much. The video is about two minutes long...