06 Sep

Yesterday I went to a pet shop and bought a harness for Tanza. He had a very short walk yesterday, but connecting the lead to his cat collar is definitely not a good idea. He is a l-o-n-g way from trotting alongside me on my LHS. It's all about bouncing, prancing, smelling – and stopping.

Today he had two walks. This afternoon it was longer at about 30 minutes and he was utterly fascinated by all the smells to be found. A flexi-lead is the best answer by far, giving him the opportunity to explore. His new harness works well, it's quite light, and very adjustable since he's growing so fast.

He's very brave. Several cars and vans passed us on our little road, and he's already become used to them, and hardly reacts. This is very encouraging. It will be quite a time until I take him down to the main road though.

"Walkies" – but not sure

Still not sure, but he soon made up for it.

He became spooked by a house sign...


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